How to EMBODY strength

Photo Mar 18, 3 13 28 Pm

What Have You Come Into This Life to Embody?

As you read this story, I ask you to think about this question of embodiment.  My retreat co-hosts Adora Winquist, Patsy Balacchi, and I thought about this question as we put together our retreat coming up on October 27-30 at the Art of Living Retreat Center   in Boone, NC.  We hope you think about this question and as answers come up, we hope they resonate with you on why you should join us on retreat! Here are 6 reasons why you should take a retreat this year.💆🏻‍♀️🥳💆🏼‍♂️ 


As I thought about this question of embodiment, I found it difficult to answer and verbalize. Several days passed, I took deep breaths and focused, and finally, the word “strength” came to me.💪🏽


Memories of a Child of Separated Parents


Looking back on life, I have endured many painful experiences. It started with the separation of my parents when I was a little girl, only three years of age. I still remember the night my father left as if it happened yesterday. Patsy and I looked out the big window in the living room, and we watched my father’s silver car with a loud exhaust drive away. Formulating feelings of sadness or separation didn’t really start for me since I didn’t fully understand what was happening. All I knew was from that moment on, my father never came home. 🥺


Four years later, my mother, my sister, and I moved to the United States of America. I was very shy as a child, and just as I’d start to settle into a school, we’d move, and I’d have to start at a new school.  We moved several times, and I ended up going to four different grade schools. All of this moving and change made me feel like I never belonged. 😔 Separation from people and things were quite familiar to me.


My Mother’s Sacrifice and Quiet Strength


Things weren’t easy for my mother either. From the moment we moved to the U.S., my mother found herself struggling. She and my stepfather always worked full and part-time jobs to make ends meet, so we never got to see much of our mother. In El Salvador, my mother worked as a legal secretary, and her hands were always soft and manicured.💅🏽


My mother didn’t know any English when we moved, so her first job when we arrived was at a flashlight factory. It was a blessing in disguise since she met my stepfather there, and they’ve been together ever since.😍


Over time, my mother’s hands changed, no longer showcasing her polished nails and soft skin that would caress my head at night. Now, her hands were dry, brittle, and peeled. She never once complained about her new life, not ever.😧  I imagine the strength it took for her to act as if none of this was happening to her. 


How I came to EMBODY strength


Thinking about it now, when the word “strength” came to me, it was embedded into my being by my mother. Her quiet strength made my sister and me survivors. I came into this life to embody the strength that has been passed down by my mother, grandmother, and ancestors, who had to be strong to survive. This is the strength that prepared and got me through my battle with cancer.🥊💪🏽  


This strength is what supports my passion to coach others impacted by cancer because we all have to be strong in life.  Sometimes we need support for that strength. Battling cancer is no easy task, but having the mental, physical, and emotional preparation you need will help make your battle much easier. Trust me to help you find the strength you hold within, and let me help you get through your battle with cancer and persevere. ❤️


How to EMBODY strength


Why do you need to embody strength? Life has its ups and downs. When we are up, everything is rosy. It’s when times get tough that we need to pull ourselves together and gather our strength to get us through. Have you found yourself looking for strength within you and feel like you can’t seem to find it? It’s there, you just need to pause in the chaos, inhale and exhale deep, close your eyes, and wait for the answer. It’s important to take the time to do this exercise. You can’t rush it. Soon you will find yourself going through times in your life where your answer lies. You will find that you have carried the strength within you all along. Now you will have a deeper understanding of where your strength comes from. Next time you need it, think back to that moment in your life that showed you where you embodied your strength and bring it to your forefront. It will be there to serve you as you need. 💪🏽


Tell me in the comments: What have you come into this life to EMBODY?


With love and gratitude ❤️🙏🏽,

Karla Perez

Coach Sweaty Girl KP
Wholistic Resilience Expert 


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