Pampering yourself is not JUST for making you feel good, it can also set you up for success

Pampering Yourself

The feeling of being overwhelmed, frustrated, and anxious has grown exponentially in this present moment, where the world is moving at a fast pace all the time. It feels like we never get a break! Parents work at home and homeschool kids. The sacred dining room table transformed into your desk, their desk, the place for projects, arts and crafts, and oh yeah, a place to eat when you can clear the table of all the things it’s buried under!

It may feel like life is moving so fast that there’s no time to sit, unwind, and relax, but it’s important to prioritize self care even more as we feel like this. Having hardly any time doesn’t mean having no time at all 😉 You may have to ask for some time for yourself from your family and that is totally ok! How can you run the house, the kids, work, marriage or life partners, and be able to pull yourself together to do it all?!

It’s a lot! This chaos is why it’s important to make time for yourself a habit, especially to prevent burnout and feelings of overwhelm in your life. You need to recharge to get it all done. Being on the go all the time and taking care of others before you take care of yourself will leave you feeling depleted, depressed, and you WILL burn out! We don’t want to get to this place! Finding balance in life is key. But how do we do that? Well, lucky for ME AND for YOU, my sister, Patsy Balacchi is a renowned Feng Shui expert! She has some “Good Shui” tips for us, as she likes to call it. 🙂

Here are a few of Patsy’s Good Shui tips!

– Get up early to take care of your needs first. Yes, your needs first. Early mornings are great for the mind and spirit. Welcome each day with love, grace, and gratitude for your breath and all the beautiful blessings in your life.

– Taking time to ground and connect with your Self. Meditating early in the morning, especially out in the sunlight, helps set a positive tone for the day ahead. Sometimes 5 or 10 minutes is all that you will be able to allow for this practice, and that is OK. Those minutes are yours and they are sacred.

– Take a quick shower and get the blood flowing. It’s so invigorating. Try cold water for a few seconds. It’s sure to wake you up! I tend to jump or do a crazy tribal dance when I do this. It’s fun and puts me in a good mood. Try it!

– Take mini-breaks between tasks or when you’re feeling overloaded. Go outside and take a walk, spend some time in the garden, stand barefoot on the grass, touch a tree, or water plants. If it’s sunny, sun-bathe for 5 minutes. That will recharge your batteries! Connecting with nature is soothing, refreshing, and grounding.

I absolutely love all of those tips! I practice them regularly. If you want to read more about Patsy Balacchi’s self care tips, do it here:

If you are interested in bringing harmony into your home or work space, check Patsy Balacchi’s website for more information: or contact her at:

Here are a few of my Sweaty Girl Method self care tips for you!

– Oxygenate by taking three deep breaths. Breathe into your abdomen and let the air puff out your stomach and chest.

-Get down and boogie to your favorite playlist! When we dance, our brain releases endorphins so it makes us feel happy!

-Make your favorite cup of coffee or tea, and sit and inhale all its fragrances as you sip slowly. I love making my own chai. The process on its own is a soothing ritual. If you do this in the afternoon, make sure you drink a decaffeinated cup of Joe or an herbal tea. You don’t want the caffeine to keep you up at night!

-Make your home into a spa. Have a long shower or even a bath with aromatherapy. Diffuse your favorite essential oils or drop them in the bath water if you’re taking a bath. When you’re done, hang out in your robe and moisturize. Put on some cozy socks and read your favorite magazine or book.

All of these tips really don’t take a lot of time out of the day, so it’s important to at least take one of these each day and make it a priority. Start getting in the habit of giving yourself self care and watch how much more efficient you become at home and at work!

Self care isn’t selfish!

With Love and Gratitude,

Karla Perez
Integrative Health Coach


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