Self Care for Busy Women: More Love = More Joy

Karla Heart Orchids

Since it’s Valentine’s Day week, I felt it was suitable to talk about love and loving yourself.  Let me clear, though: I will not only be talking about love on Valentine’s week😊😍❤️😘. I talk about it all the time. I wanted to share some habits of self care for busy women so that they can fit this critical time into their crazy schedules. 

Self love for busy women should be discussed often because love should always be at the forefront of your life.  Love is what you wake up and go to bed with, what drives you.  Without love, we feel lost, sad, and out of sorts. Life isn’t perfect–it’s full of ups and downs, so it’s vital to prioritize ourselves, our hearts, and minds.  Our longing for love may get buried in the stacks, to-do lists, projects, work, or anything we bury ourselves into.  

So, how do we make time for habits of self care for us busy women?  First, it’s important to remember how we can give ourselves love. Giving ourselves love can be as simple as:

  • Doing something that brings you joy
  • Taking time to slow down
  • Asking for help
  • Eating healthy
  • Speaking and living your truth

Here is an article I wrote that can help you with some more self-care ideas and another one from My Sweet Home Life!

When busy women live with love for themselves every day, they radiate. The energy is so powerful that it attracts the same energy and passion to you. It comes in the form of friends, life partners, opportunities, and so much more.  Your life path aligns when you are in alignment with yourself.  

You may be saying that you don’t have time for self care over and over, but you’ll find that all other areas of your life improve as you begin to give yourself the affection and support it needs and desires. For me, a life-changing situation happened that woke me up and made me see how I was living. The need for love came back in a profound way when I had breast cancer.  Perhaps, you can relate. We can realize that we’ve been living quietly and not outspoken about our truths, we put others before ourselves, and we exhaust and deplete ourselves. Simply put, we have neglected ourselves. Out of something so scary, many great things came! I have learned to love myself deeply, the way it always lived inside of me. I am so grateful. 🙏🏽❤️😊

It doesn’t matter how you have been living as a busy woman, but the past is over. Now is the time to care for and nurture yourself because you are the biggest priority in your life. If you’re looking to make a change, are struggling with cancer or in recovery, contact me today for your complimentary consultation

With love and gratitude ❤️🙏🏽,

Karla Perez

Coach Sweaty Girl KP
Wholistic Resilience Expert 


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